Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

Why wait? That's usually my philosophy when it comes to my Christmas tree. I've been known to deck the halls while the Trick-or-Treaters are still knocking at the door.

Well, my tree has been an evolving project. Now, I know I'm biased, but I believe my tree to be gorgeous. This year, I actually held out until Thanksgiving to put it up. THANKSGIVING. Which was a feat I am very proud of. It was really DF who insisted I wait. Truthfully I was excited to decorate the tree with him, so I was happy to delay the tree trimming.

Let's cover some history, shall we? Who doesn't love Christmas tree history? I got my first tree in Seattle for Christmas, 2007. It was my first "grown up" tree. I was mostly clueless, purchasing ornaments haphazardly from Target and Pier1. Nothing too special, just wanted the warm glow of white Christmas lights. TBF purchased this tree for me. The Goldilocks of trees....not too big, not too small. Just right.

We dragged the Goldilocks tree to the house, put it together, and plugged it in. Colored lights. Wrong box. I immediately started to cry like a crazy person (shameful) and TBF rushed it back to the store for the white light tree. Crisis averted. That's why he is the Trusty Best Friend. Reliable.

2007. Trial and Error. 

I asked my mother to send me some of my ornaments in 2008, so I could start my REAL tree. More personal, less crap. It wound up looking like this:

2008. Getting Better.

Plus, I found my angel tree topper in 2008. She was a diamond in the rough. A find at TJMaxx clearance after Christmas. I fell in love with her face the moment I saw her.

In 2009, which is infamously referred to as the "Guilt Christmas" my Christmas decorating started to hit it's stride. TBF and I were living together at the time, and he went a little overboard with presents to compensate for a very lackluster Christmas Morning 2008. 

 I felt like my house looked great, the tree was beautiful, and I know it's not about presents, but that red box under the tree is my pink MacBook I'm typing on now. Glorious.

2009. The "Guilt Christmas"

This year, I would HUG my tree if I could. It's love. I had to leave my Goldilocks tree in Seattle. Not enough room in my move across country. It was hard to part with my tree and I hope she finds a good home. She gave me a lot of love in the three years she lived in my home.  Safe travels Goldilocks tree. You were loved.

This year, my mom gave me one of her misfit trees. She has three full size trees, so she parted with one so I wouldn't have to buy one. It's AMAZING. 

I named my tree this year. Silly, but nonetheless, I wanted to. 

Bernadette. She burns so bright.

This year is the first time I got to decorate a tree with my Darling Fiancee. So DF's ornaments and my ornaments are now friends and they look spectacular together on the tree. We added a few new favorites ornaments into the mix this year:

 Kayaking Ho Ho for DF from yours truly.

 Husky Dog from my 30th birthday cruise to Alaska

A new place to call home.

My ornament from DF. Awe.

Just because I love them so much, a few past favorites that will always make it onto the tree:

We Believe for the Red Sox 2004 and my pink childhood dollhouse.

D is for Duncan Donut, our puppy.

"Happy Hanukkah" is a handmade favorite from my friend N. in Seattle. She knows how much I hate blue for Christmas, and a Jewish Christmas Ornament? It's love. That's why she is truly my soulmate. I love this one so much. 
And yes, that's Alcatraz poking out from behind it from a trip to SanFran last year.

Seattle. Who had my heart for 5 wonderful years.

I sense I've rambled on enough. Let me just say this. The one moment I've been looking forward to all year is this: Christmas Day Eve. All the presents opened. All the food eaten. All the laughs had. I want my DF and I sitting on the couch, hot cocoa in hand, snuggled in together in our PJs just enjoying the glow of the tree and each other.

It's just love that counts. Just love.

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