Saturday, January 29, 2011


I really want to leave the BSB part off that title...but I have to leave it there.


I can't even believe how lucky I am.

One of my lifers, KVC, got me tickets yesterday morning during the American Express Block Nation pre-sale.

The first time I saw NKOTB I was 8 years old and my papa took me to the old Boston Garden. I stood on my chair the whole time afraid I would miss something. My papa says to this day, it's the best concert he's ever been to. And he's seen Aerosmith, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, The Who, The Stones, you name it. To papa, New Kids reigns supreme.

I went again to see NKOTB when I was 10. This time papa took me to Foxboro stadium and I believe I was so riled up on pre-teen adrenaline, I cried the whole time. Tears of sheer joy.

New Kids are a part of me.

I held out hope for the last 15 years that they would reunite. I was at a Kiss 108 concert in 1999, the year Jordan and Joey had singles out. "Baby you know I can give it to you......" oh Jordan.

So I'm there with about 15 people. And the announcers come on and say that they have a special reunion with three extra people....My roommate Jennie and I bum-rush the stage thinking it was a NKOTB reunion- FINALLY.

Not so. It was Run DMC and Aerosmith doing "Walk this Way." Awesome...but not NKOTB.

Finally at 28- my angels reunite and my bestie in Seattle and I go see them twice. EPIC.

Plus....we made signs.

Can you say CLASSY?

So now...on June 11th....I will be home in Boston at Fenway Park seeing the loves of my life.

Donnie Wahlberg.

I DF. 

Well, just for DW. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ice Box Cookies

So, my papa's mom, Memere, oh she of the Lemon Pie, also guarded one recipe very closely.

Ice Box Cookies. I believe she called them Secret Ice Box Cookies.

Part cookie, part fudge, and all awesome.

I have a co-workers birthday tomorrow and I finally get to make something for my office.

Here is the thing. They are the easiest thing in the world to make. I swear.

So you need about 16oz of graham cracker crumbs. But they only come in boxes of 13.5 ounces, so you have to buy two. Bastards.

 To start, I just pour them in the KitchenAid and leave them there until I make the chocolate sauce.

Next you need one cup of sugar

And two eggs

Plus four tablespoons of cocoa

And two sticks of butter:

Blend all those ingredients together over medium heat until the butter is melted and it starts to boil.

You have to stir and stir and stir so the eggs don't cook.

And don't leave it alone or it will burn. Just stir the sucker and it will melt.

When you're boiled, dump it into your mixer and turn it on low. It will turn into a doughy like mass.

Now once it's cool to the touch, dump it in a casserole dish, or anything you want to shape it out.

And push it down 

Which will make your hands buttery. Resist licking them.

Then put it in the fridge overnight to harden up.

Plus, TBF is about to eat those two random parts.

In the morning, frost the whole thing with chocolate frosting and dust with walnuts. Cut into bite sized bits.

And give your dad the ugly ones :)

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Care Bear Surprise

One of my DEAREST friends in the world, a LIFER, miss Care Bear, has started her own blog.

Please check it out here:

It's just darling.

Care Bear is the BEST baker ever. She is so creative and everything she has ever made is super easy and creative.

So, I got home on Tuesday this week, broke down exhausted and I found this in the mail:


I flipped it open and there are about 30 amazing, easy to follow recipes. 

Look at all those pages!

I just think this is the BEST idea to do for a friend. It's so great to include all the recipes you know and love and give them all bundled up for a friend.

Look at what she put on the back...

It is a little wedding cake!

Care Bear did such a great job on it. I'm so excited to get cookin'! DF will be so happy that I'm in the kitchen baking and cooking up a storm! 


Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hello Sunday morning....nice to see you again.

DF is making me a love muffin as we speak. I love him.

So, we went bowling on Friday night with TBF, Sissy and her AH (Amazing Husband). It was a smorgasbord of unfortunate-looking people at the bowling alley. Man, the bowling alley provides the best people watching EVAH.

DF claimed to be this awesome bowler. I believe he said his average game was "180." Um, not so much. I think he is just rusty. I have no form whatsoever, and I managed to get an exact 100 durning my second game. Which is the best score I've ever gotten. Bowling is fun, no matter what. And we didn't even drink.

On the way home, DF stopped at Checkers so I could get some tasty fries and then we got home and continued with our Dexter marathon.

Yesterday we literally just bummed around the house. We. Are. So. Tired.

Work is kicking my butt and DF works at 5:30AM. So we're both just zonked.

Last night, momma bear and gram came home with two big bags from JoAnne Fabrics. Apparently, gram's 94 year old friends up in New England are freezing their butts off. So, they've hired me to make two more no-sew blankets. Gram did pick out pretty colors.

So, probably late tonight during the Real Housewives of Atlanta finale, I'll cut and whip up two blankets. 

Not sure what's on the adgenda for today but hopefully it's not to streneous. I'm freezing, it's only about 50 outside and it was 30 last night. Guess it's not a beach day.


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Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night DF and I went for a drive to pump my gas so I wouldn't have to do it this morning. Then we decided while we were out, we should just grab supper at Panera.

While eating dinner, I've noticed that we both do the same thing. We effortlessly eat of each other's plates. It's such an intimate gesture- silly really. But it's in those little moments that I see how "together" we are as a couple.

We came home, tucked in and watched an episode of Dexter then went to bed to giggle and laugh for a half hour before ultimately falling asleep to the sound of the Florida rain outside.

This morning, I woke up at 5:45 to DF snuggling me. He was showered and dressed for work already. I felt his strong arms around me and in my half-asleep voice asked him why he woke me up. He said it was because he had to leave for work in ten minutes and he misses me so much all day, he wanted me all to himself for a few minutes before he left.

I. Am. In. Love.

So, it's finally Friday. Just need to make it through work today and DF, TBF, Sissy and her amazing Hus and I are all going bowling. Winner take all. It's going to be awesome.


Please remember to click to vote! I only need one more vote to pass 100!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ok, ok.... I know it's bouquet. I was just being saucy.

So, I know I want peonies for my bouquet. I just love peonies. Especially when they open up. They are so fragrant and delicate. And I'm so freaking picky- I know I'm going to make my own bouquet if I want to be happy. I've got skills. I can do it.

I've been searching for inspiration. I know I want pink. And I love the half and half style of this bouquet:

Photo credit:

I love that. But I'd do pink. Isn't the half and half kinda modern and stunning? It's unexpected and I think if executed correctly, it could be amazing.

My favorite bouquets with peonies so far include the following:

Totally romantic.


Hot and spicy

And look, I think carnations get a bad wrap. They are beautiful in a big bunch. And very cost effective. How cheap are carnies? (Well, not carnies, like carnival people, carnies as a slang for carnations.)

But looks how elegant they can look:

Well, minus that weird green stuff.

I honestly just think I'm going to do a trial run. Like, this weekend. Why not? I love flowers, plus I've already dried my preanniversary roses. So we need some flowers in the house. (and by "we" I mean "me") Plus, I've got to do a craft soon or I'm going to lose my mind. 

I'll keep you posted if I try and fail....or try and succeed! 

I guess I should just pick wedding colors first....or a wedding venue...or a wedding anything. I still have no idea. I'm narrowing things down in my head. 

I joked with DF that I'm going to do a power point presentation about what I'd like for a wedding. Not in a psycho way, or a bridezilla way, but man, I think I'm missing the bride gene. So by getting organized, I think it will kick start my planning. 

I just need to make a decision and stick to it. If only....

Please remember to vote for me! Just a click away!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lemon Pie

Yesterday was my poppa bear's birthday. He requested one thing: Lemon Pie. Now, this isn't just any lemon pie. It's his mother's lemon pie. My grandmother, who we called Memere (which is French for Grammy) made the most amazing lemon pie. She kept the recipe a secret right up until her final moments. Memere's lemon pie was so good you had to eat it with a spoon.

As a granddaughter, and there are 6 of us, I don't think any us has truly mastered the lemon pie recipe even close to how Memere made it. Naturally, lemon pie was all my dad wanted for his birthday. The kicker- he wants fresh whipping cream too.

Ok. Game on.

First, before I got cooking, I had to do one thing. Give angelbaby a bath. He was a little stinker. This part of the story comes in critically later on.

Duncan sporting some Soul Glo.

While angelbaby was drying out in the Florida heat, DF made some sun-tea. 


Ok, so now it is PIE TIME. Clean dog, check. Moving on:

I gathered all the necessary ingredients. I squeezed fresh lemon juice and I shaved my own lemon zest. I carefully folded ingredient after ingredient. Every time I make Memere's lemon pie, it never "gels" never gets to that jell-o like consistency.

This time however, it WORKED.

I nicked the side of my crust but I got this:


I was beaming with pride. So I set the pie to cool on top of the huge toaster oven, which is on the counter.

Next, I had to make the fresh whipping cream. I figured it was going to be really easy.

For extra help, I put my KitchenAid bowl in the freezer for a few minutes.

Then I added the cream directly into the bowl.

Turned the sucker on:

And.....nothing. I'm serious. I felt like a crazy person. I asked Grammy what I was doing wrong. She told me it was going to take more than one minute to happen and I should just let my mixer work its magic.

Um, no. I was going to watch that thing like a hawk until something happened.

About 6 or 7 minutes later it finally happened! Whipped cream! I tasted it, and it sure did taste like butter, so I threw in some sugar for good measure.

Ok, now things get interesting. I let mooshie lick the spoon. I'm horrible I know, but he rarely if ever gets a treat from a human, so he went after that spoon like Wolverine.

Attack dog! 

So, I thought I was done. I left the kitchen to go wrap papa's presents. 

I was gone about one minute. I realized I was missing scotch tape, so I came back into the kitchen.

My pie was on the FLOOR.


And there is Duncan. Covered in yellow lemon pie. I was furious. Everyone rushed into the kitchen and I started to cry. Pie was everywhere. It was a mess. 

The only comment my dad made was, "Tell me you made two pies...." Uh, no dad, no I didn't. And how the hell did Duncan rocket himself onto the counter to get the pie off the toaster oven in under one minute without anyone hearing anything? What, is he a phantom? Oh wait, he is. The freakin' phantom menace.

Well, folks. Here is what happened next. It was now crunch time. I whipped together the most amazing Italian Mac and Cheese, and I did it in record time. Two huge casseroles. 

Then with exactly 25 minutes before company was due over, I threw together ANOTHER lemon pie. It didn't have time to sit and cool, so I put it in the fridge to set-up.

Dinner was a huge success. Everyone said it was great. Dad opened his presents, and then it was finally time for pie. I cut him a huge slice, drop on a heaping spoonful of fresh whipped cream and hand it to papa.

I inhale sharply as he takes his first bite. He rolls it around in his mouth, puckers his lips, and smiles. 

I ask, "well? WELL? How is it? Good? Even close to Memere's?"

Papa says, "well, her's was a lot tangier, but good try."

...and that is how my Saturday went. Duncan still needs to have another bath and my pie was close, but no cigar.


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Friday, January 14, 2011


So. Today is officially 365 to Bride.

I started my blog early. However, in one year from today, I will marry DF. It's our "Preversary" today, which is our "pre-anniversary." I originally thought it was a silly little idea.

Today seemed like an uneventful day. DF had the day off from work. He and TBF spent the day organizing my parent's garage. Super riveting.

I spent the day at work. Keeping myself busy, working my butt off. I was secretly really watching the clock hoping 6PM would hurry up and arrive so I could come home to my DF who I was desperately missing.

At 5:45PM, there is a knock on my office door. I open it and find a young delivery man holding a bunch of flowers.

Lo and behold....they are for me.

Cue the "AWE."

So I'm just thrilled and can't stop smiling. I bring them home so I can enjoy them all weekend.

The best part: the note...

He's a keeper.

I can't believe how thoughtful and amazing this man is. Honestly. So I get home, and DF takes me to the most amazing dinner at this delicious Italian place. We had wine, my favorite Caprese Salad, and I had linguine and we shared dessert. YUM. Totally romantic.

You know what, when we have each other, we have everything. We're so in love.

So now we're home. With full hearts and full bellies. We're on the couch and snuggled in for a few episodes of Dexter. 

I'm so happy I get to wake up next to DF and next to my flowers. 

Lucky lucky lucky me. 

Always & All Ways.

Don't forget to vote for me! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Word Wednesday #4



I had to pump gas tonight after supper, which I loathe doing. HATE. So DF offers to go for a drive with me, on the condition that we go to Dairy Queen and get a "twisty cone."I say fine, as long as he pumps the gas. Which he agrees to. One twisty cone for pumping my gas? Sold.

So we head out. DQ is bizzz-ayyy. I'm so ready for my twisty cone. The DQ twisty cone is not really a twisty cone at all actually; rather it's a small vanilla soft serve that has that hard chocolate shell on it. Dee-lish. We just like saying "twisty cone." Try it. Cute, right?

Anyways, we are sitting and waiting behind 3 cars. Holding hands in the drive through and talking about normal day to day stuff.

Then, at the exact same moment, we both pause, inhale, make the same exhale sound, and mumble something at exactly the same decibel that sounds like a soft, "braaaaahhhhhhhh."

Yup, we do that sometimes... just make the exact same sound effects at the exact same moment.

Just 100% totally in sync. Even when it comes to breathing.

If I ever wonder if I'm with my soulmate- with my other half -I will be reminded that he is The One for me in a simple sigh.

Just a sigh and a glance. That's all it takes. He is mine and I am his. Locked together always and all ways.

Don't forget to vote for me! I love the attention! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Fall

So, last night DF was exhausted. The number one thing I was concerned about was....Hoarders.

Yes, Hoarders. The season finale. It was the guy who hoarded, wait for it, RATS.

And let me just say this about Hoarders: as I watch the show I look around my house to see what stuff I can get rid of. Don't you?

My main goal last night was to keep DF awake until the show came on at 10PM. I got home from work about 7PM. I was still a tornado of energy from my busy day. DF, who worked 5:30AM-2:30PM was not a tornado. He wasn't even a light rain. He was dead tired.

So, I told him to take a little nap, and I decided to do a Maxx run with momma bear.

Scored three new tops at the Maxx. Man, that place it the bomb. I'm wearing a new sweater right now.

Anyways, back to the story. I got home, and DF threw in the white towel. Or up the white flag. Or...nevermind, what ever that expression is, he did something white. (Well, that sounds awful.) Let's just say it this way, he surrendered to his tired.

I tucked DF into bed, style, and run into the great room like a crazy person. It is now 10:01PM and I've missed the first minute of Hoarders. Shit.

So while my eyes are glued to the television, I tried to aim my rump into a very low green armchair. I lower my self slowly and....

The next thing I know, I'm on the ground. Feet over head. The freaking chair flipped over.

Hilarious, I know. Well, it would have been if I hadn't crashed into the bookcase and slider, which promptly wedged me ass-up in the living room.

Everyone started laughing but I knew I had seriously hurt myself. My papa had to wrestle me right side, at which point the throbbing and pain really kicked in. So I did what comes naturally, I ran into the bathroom to cry and be in misery alone.

Well, DF heard my tears, and he came and got me off the floor, got me some ice packs and took excellent care of me. I don't know if you guys are like me, but when my man is taking care of me, I always feel bad and profusely apologize. Must work on that.

Anyways. I've completely thrown out my shoulder. My left had is still very swollen and DF thinks I have a tiny fracture. But I can type, so I think I'll make it.

And I've only been at my job 4 weeks, so Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.

End of story: I didn't get to see Rat guy Hoarders. But I do have a DF who forgoes sleep to take care of me.

The end.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Farewell Christmas

TBF helped me de-Christmas yesterday.

He's so helpful!
Farewell Bernadette. Until next year.

Sorry for the pic, that Florida sun is BRIGHT.

Farewell Ornaments, I'll miss you the most:

Packaged up with love.

We called two leTarget's and one Wally World (Wal-Mart) to ask if they had a Christmas tree storage box in stock. Nope. None to be found. I should have bought it when I had the chance.

Now I'm stuck with this:


What a sad, dilapidated, sorry box. Oh well. I'll find one.

We also threw away my coffee filter wreath. Stinks. But there was no way to salvage it. The Florida heat would have turned that puppy yellow within a week out in the garage. Oh well. It only cost three bucks to make.

I'm kinda glad the house it back to normal. It makes me get excited for the next holiday! Valentine's Day!

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